Jivamukti and Mantra - Crossing the boarders of body and min

Experience the devotional aspect of yoga practice through chanting mantras and moving through a vigorous asana flow that encourages you to listen deep and move beyond the boarders of Body and Mind. 

Jivamukti Yoga is a Hatha-Vinyasa Based practice that integrates different yogic paths into one method combining asana with philosophy, mantra and meditation. 

In this workshop we dive deeper into mantra and asana using the yoga mat and our voice as our means of expression. 

Mantra comes from the sanskrit words man= mind and tra=to transcend or cross over. Mantra means to transcend the limitations of the mind by focusing on and repeating a higher intention. 

Asana in Sanskrit means seat, and relating to our connection to the world. In the same way as mantra has the power to transcend the mind the asana has the ability to develop and unblock physical limitations and open up for new ways of experiencing ourselves. 


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