Welcome to a 2 hour workshop where Josefin will explain the most important cues to make armbalancing more effortless. This is an opportunity to dive deeper into postures that might seem out of reach when presented in a Vinyasa class - and for you to surprise yourself by making the impossible possible.

During the first part we will focus on a few different armbalances, how to stay in them, but also how to make them more effortless and to use them as a smooth transition in our practice. 

The second part we’ll have handstand focus, especially how to transition through your yoga practice using them. In this part we’ll also go through the Ashtanga handstand transitions, we will use the walls and spotting if needed.

This workshop is aimed for anyone who has a fairly regular yoga practice, no previous handstand experience is needed. The aim is to provide the essential keys, with individual feedback, so you can add this into your own practice going forward.

Depending on the group, various levels from beginner to intermediate will be offered.


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