Yin Helgkurs - utifrån de fem elementen

Dive deep into Yin Yoga!

This mini course is for you who long for the feeling of being light in the mind and soft in the body. An excellent way to boost yourself for the winter and feel the effect of practicing Yinyoga three days in a row!

Yin yoga is a restorative and therapeutic form of yoga that is about calming the body and mind. It teaches us to relax and regulate tension levels in the body. Reduces stress, stiffness, sleep problems and pain.

Yin yoga is characterized by passive positions as opposed to more dynamic yoga. Here we hold each position for a longer time, between 3 – 5 minutes with props. With the help of breathing, conscious presence and the practice of "letting go" we reach deeper into the body, to the connective tissue, the skeleton, the nervous system and our organs to dissolve blockages for a freer flow of energy. It soothes, strengthens and softens stiff bodies and stressed souls.

In this mini course, we go through sessions designed for the various elements as well as the meridians connected to our organs according to Chinese medicine, how they work together and how you can create balance both internally and externally. Mindfulness follows like a red thread through the sessions.

Starting at Grev Turegatan: 21/10

  • Dag: Lördag och Söndag
  • Datum: 21/10, 22/10
  • Time:  Lördag  & Söndag 10.00-12.30
  • Place: Grev Turegatan 18
  • Teacher: Maja Åström
  • Price: 1 200 KR
  • Språk: Svenska