November Full Moon

November full moon in Taurus!

During this full moon you can expect intense energies. Along with the eclipse energy this full moon in Taurus is having a party along with several key planets in the night sky. Eclipse season shines its light into the darkest parts of our soul. It’s a time to let go of blockages and programming from the childhood. So we can live and feel free. 

During this evening we will focus on to let go, step in to our power and in to the next chapter. 

You can expect releases with help from breathwork session, healing and meditation. Also some time for reflection and journaling and of course tea and fika is included. 

Sara will guide you and support you during the evening. Sara is a yoga and meditation instructor and also a breathwork guide. She will also support you with energy healing. 

What do we do during our full moon ceremonies?

- Meditation

- Breathwork

- Group healing

- Sharing

- Healthy fika 

If you feel called, join us under the magical light of the moon.

  • Date: 6/11/22
  • Time: 18:00-20:00
  • Place: Grev Turegatan 18
  • Teachers: Sara Svelander 
  • Price: 275 KR